Is it even conceivable to imagine the Mediterranean region without olive trees? These trees, with their silvery-green leaves, produce a fruit with a flavour that has enhanced the cuisine of Western civilization.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus held a competition among the gods and goddesses to determine who could make the most useful gift. Athena fashioned the olive tree and its wonderful oil, which were utilised to provide solace and meaning to life. Athena became the patron goddess of Attica, and the olive tree was planted on the Acropolis as her gift.

The ancient Olympic champions were crowned with an olive branch and presented with olive oil in a jar known as “lecithy.” The branch and oil represented virtue and nobility. Christian churches and Jewish synagogues continue to use it for their ceremonies today.

It like liquid gold.

The crushing of the olives yields extra virgin olive oil, and the subsequent pressing of the olives yields all of these grades. In Greece, Italy, and the majority of Mediterranean countries, olives are harvested in late autumn. Olives that fall to the ground are prone to bruising, which can lead to oxidation and fermentation of the fruit. This leads in excessive acidity, which affects the olives’ quality and flavour, and so contributes to their high price.

The olive oil from Greece is delicious and rich. Nets are set beneath the olive trees so that when the olives are harvested, they land on a smoother surface. The grains are typically packed in containers made of wicker or stainless steel, which are then loaded onto trucks and transported to the mill. There, olives are washed and stripped of their leaves before being crushed by enormous stones that have been used for centuries. Extra virgin olive oil is the name given to the oil that results from this process, from the first press through the cold press. The colour, consistency, and flavour are determined by the olive varietals, climate, and geographical location. Cleanliness is crucial to the quality and flavour of a product. After each step, these stones must be cleaned.

When I was a young girl in Sparta, in the south of Greece, I fondly recall going to the mill with a loaf of my mother’s homemade peasant bread. The mill employees sliced it, toasted it, and dipped it in fresh, warm, green oil before sprinkling it with sea salt and handing it around to all of us. Every bite was divinely delectable.

The finest oils are produced by small producers.

There are a variety of olive oil grades, including Extra virgin, Virgin, Refined, Pure, Pomace, Light, and Extra light.

The acidity of extra virgin olive oil is less than 1% and is derived from the first press through the cold press. Extra virgin olive oil is the best and has an abundance of vitamin E.

Virgin olive oil is produced from olives that are somewhat more ripe than those used to make extra virgin olive oil.

Refined olive oil is produced by refining virgin olive oil. It has no flavour, and its acidity is greater than 3%. The flavour is unpleasant and the aroma is unpleasant.

Pure: It typically originates from the second press or is chemically separated from the first press’s leftovers. Also known as commercial grade. The hue is rather pale, and the flavour is really bland. It is referred to be pure because it does not contain any other oils.

Both refined olive oil and refined pomace oil are chemically processed and unhealthy.

Light and extremely light: a blend of refined olive oils that has been chemically refined.

The health benefits are considerable. Olive oil that is extra virgin contains anti-inflammatory compounds. It provides exceptional protection against heart disease. High levels of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), thereby preventing atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. It also reduces blood pressure, which is an essential advantage.

Olive oil is the heart’s superfood. Due to the monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and phenolic compounds, a number of beneficial properties are present.

Extra virgin olive oil may be a bit more expensive, but it is a worthwhile investment for your health.

Extra virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols, which have protective benefits against osteoporosis, colon cancer, breast cancer, and abdominal fat related with insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes. Additionally, its phenols reduce bone loss. The level of phenols determines the level of protection. Additionally supports digestive health.

With several health benefits, extra virgin olive oil is the superior product. Keep it in a dark, well sealed location. Light is the mortal enemy of olive oil. Look for a fruity aroma, bitterness in your mouth, and a peppery feeling in your throat when you taste it.

Not only does the extra virgin olive oil improve your health, but it also enhances your enjoyment of meals throughout the day. Dunk your artisan bread in it with a pinch of sea salt, pepper, and garlic for a very gratifying experience.

Cook using extra virgin olive oil for enhanced flavour and health, and never forget the ancient Greek proverb, “Healthy bodies, healthy minds.”

Take care of your and your family’s health.

Stefan & Sons is a family-owned business that has been importing and exporting olive oils and other food products of the highest quality from different parts of the world. When you choose Stefan & Sons for your olive oil needs and exotics products, you can be sure that you are getting the best quality product Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the market.