Many workers, particularly those working in the service business, are victims of unjust wage practises. Federal law requires that all workers be paid at least the minimum wage and are not required to work more than 40 hours per week without being compensated for overtime. Unfortunately, for fear of reprisal from their bosses, employees frequently do not speak up about unfair compensation. However, retribution is also prohibited by federal employment statutes.

Wage and Hour Requirements in the United States

The Fair Labor Standards Act demands that employees be adequately compensated for the work they do. According to the Act:

Employees must be paid the federal minimum wage or above. The current hourly wage is $7.25. (If your state has a greater state-wide minimum wage, your employer must pay that instead of the lesser federal minimum wage.)

Overtime work, which includes any work beyond 40 hours per week, must be compensated at one and one-half times the hourly salary.For more details please click here Workplace Retaliation Lawyers

Workers must be compensated for job-related activities undertaken before to or after the end of a shift, as well as travel time between labour sites.

Retaliation in the Workplace

Workers have a legal right to denounce unfair pay practises when their employers fail to pay them fairly. Unfortunately, drawing attention to an employer’s illegal activities may result in the employer retaliating by disciplining or dismissing the employee. As a result, many wage and overtime breaches go unreported, and employees are defrauded out of money they have earned and are entitled to.

However, federal employment law forbids companies from retaliating against employees who report infractions. This means that it is illegal for companies to dismiss, demote, or otherwise punish employees who speak up against unfair wages and ask for the money they are entitled.