One of the most useful and environmentally friendly plants that can be grown by humans is the hemp plant. Its origins lie in the Himalayan Highlands, and evidence of its use on Chinese ceramics dates to the fifth century BC, making it one of the first known domesticated (deliberately grown) plants cbd olja .

The Chinese Book of History, Shu Ching, 2300 BC, also makes reference to hemp, noting that it was used as a superior string for arrows and as a substitute for bamboo thread in armour. It quickly rose to prominence as one of the main fibres used globally. Trade ships used hemp for sails and ropes, which helped disseminate information about this remarkable plant.

Only recently have we begun to appreciate this magnificent plant’s adaptability once more. Biodiesel, paper, textiles, ropes, animal bedding, cosmetics, essential oils, hemp milk, biodiesel, apparel, and food items are just a few of the more than 20,000 uses for hemp. Even large corporations like BMW, Ford, and Chrysler use it to create plastic dashboards and panels for automobiles.

Because hemp naturally “breathes,” it contains little to no humidity, avoiding the growth of mould and mildew, and is also utilised as a building material. Additionally, it is rodent and termite resistant. Concrete can be replaced with hempcrete. It is utilised in pipes and can be produced for a third of the cost while being more flexible and crack-resistant.

Hemp is a more practical choice in the garment sector as well. In comparison to cotton, hemp uses 300 litres less water and 1.5 cups less pesticide to make one t-shirt. In comparison to a wood crop of the same size, a hemp plant matures in just 90 days and yields four times as much usable fibre over a twenty-year period.

Hemp is known as a “mop crop” because it can remove contaminants from water, including too much phosphorus, sewage, and undesired compounds, while also absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. The list of advantages is endless, and they are not just related to the environment; hemp cultivation would also yield enormous financial rewards because it is a great crop for rotation.

Australia’s laws vary from state to state, but the majority of them permit the cultivation and harvesting of hemp under the stringent control of licences. However, it is illegal to eat hemp-based food products everywhere in the country.

The only developed nations in the world that do not fully enjoy the health benefits of hemp are New Zealand and Australia. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in hemp dietary items, help to produce one of our bodies’ most easily absorbed oils. Hemp meals, according to FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand), would “promote consumer acceptance of unlawful cannabis usage and cause issues for drug enforcement authorities,” which is why they are prohibited.

According to the facts, hemp contains very little to no tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, the chemical in marijuana that causes the “high.” Both hemp and marijuana crops are left THC-free when cultivated together in the same space. The cannabis cannot be sold on the black market, while hemp is still usable. Even though I’m not brilliant, wouldn’t that aid drug enforcement agencies?

One plant may produce so many beneficial goods that would benefit both a failing earth and struggling farmers. These wonderful, practical items that our planet has to give are frequently referred to as “alternatives.” I’m not sure why; what is an alternative to? total devastation? All that is required is some human strength to fill the market that is already there.