Eventually every successful affiliate marketer realizes that promoting affiliate offers that pay residual commissions is a great way to boost your affiliate commissions – web hosting, autoresponders, membership sites and the like can pay out month after month from one original sale. In fact, any affiliate sale that leads to the buyer paying monthly fees should lead to residual affiliate commissions unless they’re set up on a cost-per-acquisition-based front-end-loaded commission structure.

Residual affiliate commissions are the best way for an affiliate to build their income long-term, since each month you’ve got residuals commissions coming in on top of the commissions you’ve made that month. Until you reach the advanced affiliate marketing strategies, though, most affiliates don’t make as much as they should from such offers.

The reason is simple – they treat their residual affiliate commissions offers the same way they do the more common one-off sale offers. They promote it two or three times to their list, blog about it and then move on to the next offer, and this myopic view of how to promote residual commissions offers means they’re leaving a lot of potential profits still lying on the table waiting for a more advanced affiliate marketer to pick them up.

These offers usually pay the most for your time invested, since you usually continue to make affiliate commissions for months, even years, after you promote them. As such, these are the offers you should be spending more time on than most. Sending it to your list and blogging about it should be just the start of your advanced affiliate marketing mix for residual commissions offers – after all, the effect of the e-zine promos only lasts a few days at best, and your blog probably only reaches less than 1% of your potential target market.

Residual affiliate commissions can be maximized by using every long-term traffic building technique you know, from article marketing and social bookmarking to podcasting, video marketing, forum marketing, etc. It’s also a good time to considering using pay per click (PPC) advertising, since the lifetime value of each sale is higher than most single sales opportunities. Just be sure you calculate the average duration that each sale is sticking with the service or site so that you don’t over-bid on your PPC – it’s easy to lose money on a pay per click campaign if you don’t know what you’re doing and track your results closely.

But by using all of your advanced affiliate marketing arsenal, you can build up a strong funnel to continue leading targeted prospects to the site long after you’ve moved on to other promotions, leaving your long-term systems in place to keep you earning residual affiliate marketing commissions for some time to come!

Super-affiliate marketing mentor Doug Champigny has plenty of free advanced affiliate marketing information for you on his Affiliate Marketing Training blog. And be sure to introduce yourself to Doug Champigny when he makes one of his many live appearances onstage at a marketing seminar, conference, convention or workshop near you!