One of the most crucial abilities you can develop is meditation, and the sooner you acquire it, the sooner you’ll be able to take charge of your life. Finding your inner peace is the main goal of meditation, but there are other benefits to meditation as well. You can benefit from meditation in every area of your life. Every beginner in mindfulness should master these four fundamental methods.

These four meditation methods address various facets of your life. One of the strategies I’ll go over, for instance, is deep breathing meditation, which you can use to unwind and prepare your mind for meditation. Another approach is affirmation meditation, which enables you to rewire your mind from being negative to positive.

Even though this is a very simplified picture of these two meditation methods, it still raises the point that there are many other types of meditation that you can practise to enhance your life. Let’s examine the four fundamental meditation practises that all new practitioners should learn to aid them in their meditation journey.

Deep-Breathing Meditation Techniques, Technique 1

All novice meditators will initially be introduced to deep-breath meditation. Learning to breathe properly and to regulate your breath while meditating is a part of this meditation technique. The Stillness Meditation Approach is another name for this technique.

You can control your breathing, heart rate, and ability to maintain mental control by learning to employ the Deep-Breath Meditation technique. We all experience brain chatter, or talking to oneself. We start off using this approach to get control of our mind and body in addition to just our breathing. Once you’ve mastered it, you can employ additional meditation techniques to further develop yourself. The affirmative meditation method and walking meditation are two other methods of meditation you might employ.

The ability to control your tension and emotions by taking deep breaths is another major benefit of mastering the deep-breathing meditation technique. Once you have this ability, you can use these skills outside of meditation to quickly gain control in a stressful circumstance. You will become more adept at the deep-breath meditation technique as you practise it more frequently.

White-Light Meditation Techniques, Technique 2

The White-Light Meditation Technique is an extension of the Deep-Breath Meditation Technique in that you will first utilise Deep-Breath Meditation to calm your body and mind before moving on to the next level, where you will employ images of objects to keep your mind from racing.

However, you can utilise any object to assist you establish and keep attention. Buddhist monks have been known to teach their young monks this technique by encouraging them to concentrate on counting. In essence, this method instructs the meditator to begin by concentrating on the number one when they take a breath in. Then, when you exhale and then inhale once more, keep your attention fixed in your mind’s eye on the number 2, which is the following number. As you breathe in and out again, you then shift the number to 3. You keep going through the number system until you start to lose control and concentration. For instance, you must start again at number one if you think about your dinner for even a brief period of time.

You continue doing this throughout each meditation session. Once you have mastered this method, you’ll discover that it is simpler to maintain concentration throughout a meditation session because you won’t let your thoughts stray.

Technique 3: Meditation Techniques Using Affirmations

Affirmation meditation is a method that enables the practitioner to gradually train their own subconscious to adopt a new outlook. How often do you say things like, “That will never work,” or “I will never get that job,” for instance?

The Deep-Breath Meditation Technique and White-Light Meditation Technique help you achieve a state of serenity and concentration that makes it easier to influence your subconscious and change those ingrained negative attitudes. While employing your conscious mind, you can influence how you feel and react to situations, you’ll find that simple things often manage to get through.

The Affirmation Meditation Technique aims to gradually rewire your subconscious so that you can overcome those unfavourable attitudes and respond in a more sensible way. Like many meditation techniques, this one can occasionally be difficult to master but is unquestionably worthwhile.

Method #4: The Walking Meditation Method

Learning to walk while meditating is known as “walking meditation.” How are you going to close your eyes while walking? I can hear it now. Well, whether you’re aware of it or not, many monastic communities often mix traditional seated meditation with walking meditation to help break up the long meditation sessions.

The Deep-Breath Meditation Technique and the White-Light Meditation Technique are used in the walking meditation to assist you learn to control your breathing and then your thinking. Just as I indicated earlier with the counting technique, you may simply stop counting and begin over if your mind wanders while you’re walking due to mental chatter.

Focusing on your body and the relationship it has to its journey is another part of this approach to take into account. You need to feel the trail and each step you take when using the walking meditation technique. For instance, you should concentrate on the sensation in your legs, arms, feet, and other body parts.

It will probably take you some practise to master the Walking Meditation technique without your mind straying, but it is one of those that you can practise anyplace. Make sure not to chastise yourself if your thoughts do stray or begin to talk. Simply acknowledge the straying thoughts, softly refocus the mind on the meditation, and then carry on with your day.

Most people initially think of meditation as a way to unwind, but since the mind is such a potent tool, you can use it to alter many aspects of your behaviour, including the way you act, speak, and present yourself. The vast majority of trained meditation practitioners can assist you in learning these techniques so that you can become a better version of yourself. You will start by learning these four methods as you start to tap into the power that meditation has to offer as nourishment for your body, mind, and soul.

The fact is that there are many different ways to meditate, but when you’re just getting started, these four methods are a fantastic place to start. Let me summarise the four meditation approaches you can use if you’re a beginner:

Deep-Breathing Meditation Techniques, Technique 1

White-Light Meditation Techniques, Technique 2

Technique 3: Meditation Techniques Using Affirmations

Technique 4: Meditation Techniques for Walking